Entangle + Sway’s curriculum is taught through progressive series and supplemental drop-in classes & workshops.

First time to the studio? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions

Prices and Policies


[For students who have completed the pre-requisite: Passage to Pole]

$18-20 - 1hr Drop-In

Buy a 10 or 20 Class Pass and pay $16/class

$38 - 1.5 hr Drop-in


Buy a 5, 10, or 20 Class Pass and pay between $28-34/class

Drop-In Class Policies

Drop-In classes are designed to supplement the Entangle + Sway curriculum.

Drop-In Classes have a 12 hour Cancellation Policy or you will be charged; no exceptions.  If you need to cancel a Drop-In Class, please use the cancellation form here.

[Unlimited Pass holders who Late Cancel/No-Show will incur a single drop-in charge and be sent an invoice - Unlimited Pass will be frozen until Invoice is paid in full.]

Waitlists drop 6 hours prior to class. After 6 hours if a spot opens, you will need to sign-up again.

[Drop-In packages are non-refundable & expire one year from purchase date]


$215 - Intro 5 Week Series

5 classes at 1hr 30min | [~$29/hour]

options also available:

1hr - 6 week series

3hr - 2 week intensive

$215 - Connection /Elevation/ Revolution 5 Week Series: 6 classes

5 classes at 1hr 30min + 1 Drop In | [~$24/hour]

$130 - Specialized 3 Week Mini-Series: 4 Classes

3 classes at 1hr 15min + 1 Drop In | [$26/hour]

Series Class Policies

For series that included a drop-in it expires 7 days after the conclusion of the series. (use-it or loose-it, no exceptions)

Students are allowed one make-up class per series. It turns into a Drop-In class which can be used within the weeks of the purchased series. No additional exceptions will be made. Contact the studio if you need to miss a class.

Waitlist drops 7 days prior to the start of the series.

[Series Classes are non-refundable and have a 7 day Rescheduling Policy; no exceptions]


$35 - Intro Workshop

1 classes at 1hr 30min | [~$23/hour]

$45 - Specialty Workshops

1 classes at 2hr | [$22.5/hour]

Workshop Policies

Workshops Waitlist drops 7 days prior to the start of the workshop

[Workshops are non-refundable and have a 7 Day Rescheduling Policy; no exceptions]

Private Session Policies

Private Session reservations can be cancelled/rescheduled with at least 48 Hours notice prior to the scheduled time; no exceptions.

[private instruction packages are non-refundable and expire one year from your purchase date]


Personalized Private Instruction Prices can be found here.

Looking for info on Pole Parties or Studio Rentals?

Visit the Party or Rental page for more information…

Cell Phone Usage & Recording

Students should not bring their phones into the dance space during classes. If it's a class where recording is an option, phones can be grabbed after the warm-up, but needs to be taken care of and assured it is not in anyone's walking or dance space.  No placing personal items along the walls and on the chaise/chairs during classes, as the wall space and chairs are free game when dancing.

anyone recording will need the permission of the Instructor/Students around them and need to make sure no one else is inside their frame.  (Specialty Workshops, Pole Choreo, Pole Reflection, Freedom Pole, & Pole Perfecting currently are the only classes we allow any recording, and the instructor can advise you when recording is appropriate)Recording Instructors is NEVER ok - please do not ask. Recording freestyle dancing can be done through studio rentals or attending Freedom Pole and Pole Reflection. :)

Grip Aids

Absolutely ZERO grip aids that leave residue on the poles. This includes iTAC, anything with a waxy substance, Cramers, all spray adhesives, etc. Acceptable options to put on your body (not on the pole) are Dryhands, Eco Balls, Tite Grip, Liquid Grip, Mist & Stick, and Dew Point.

Please clean pole off with provided towels and alcohol after use.